Stan Kaplun Feeds a 45 to a 24....Jackpot!

Here's another quick report from San Diego. I went out on the 1/2 day PM New Seaforth out of Seaforth Landing with my buddy Jorge Bejar, hoping to get lucky and catch a yellowtail. The morning trip had a great outing with a light load, finishing with 22 yellowtail. Our trip wasn't as fortunate. We got into a great Bonito bite. There were smaller grade fish but there was also some 3-5 ponders mixed in. I threw a Tady #45 surface iron and Jorge was throwing a green Shimano colt sniper. The anchovies were small and there weren't much sardines, so we gladly committed to chucking irons all day. In the middle of a basically wide open bonito bite, who were hungry enough to hit the big tady, I watched my iron get train wrecked by a yellow. After a 15 minute fight, and a quick wrestling match with the anchor line, I landed a 24lb yellowtail. It was the only yellow caught on the boat that trip and was the jackpot fish. Between the two of us, we caught 13 Bonito, with the smaller profile Colt Sniper hooking up more frequently. Yellowtail was caught on Shimano Torium 16 on an 8' Shimano Teramar, 65lb PowerPro to a 25lb flourocarbon topshot. Check back in soon for more reports!

Bill SiemantelStan Kaplun, Social