TheBBZtv @ Great Bear Lake in the NWT- Catching Lake Trout on Tubes

Join Derrek and myself on Great Bear Lake in NWT @ Plummer's Lodges on the fine art of throwing monster tubes for Lake Trout. This will work on any body of water in the world. I perfected the monster tubes back in the early 90's on lakes like Casitas, Castaic, Piru, Cachuma and even used them during my time on the Bassmasters at Clear Lake, the Ca. Delta, Mead, Havasu to name a few. The original design was made with Pete Cormier and myself from Deadly Duo and then I went on to mass produce them for years under the Tiger Tube name with Lindy Little Joe. These baits are very hard to find now-a-days but if you do you can create some epic days on the waters if you understand the techniques required and working them properly in the TMB (top, middle,bottom). Hope you enjoy the video and please comment below.